Sermon Archive


Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church (Morgantown, West Virginia)
March 12, 2023: To the One Who Keeps My Sabbaths (Isaiah 56:1–8)

Grace Church PCA (Buckhannon, West Virginia)
May 30, 2021: The Last Will Be First (Mark 10:17–31)
February 15, 2021: The Supremacy of God’s Word and Grace (Mark 4:21–34)
November 11, 2020: Christ’s Death and Our Life (1 Peter 4:1–11)
August 9, 2020: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37)
July 12, 2020: The Knowledge of the Glory of God (Exodus 40:34–38)
May 24, 2020: The Golden Lampstand: A Light for the Whole World (Exodus 25:31–40)*

*These were on Vimeo and Facebook—I will have to retrieve the links again.



Nicklaus A. Hart
The Presbyterian’s Journal.

Seminarian (WTS). Boy dad. Geaux Tigers. #ReadMoreAugustine